
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Style Icon: Joey Potter

So....I'm slightly embarrassed to admit this but I've recently starting watching Dawson's Creek on Netflix. I was too young to watch it from the beginning when it was on television (the first season aired in 1998...I was 8!) so I decided to see what all the hype was about. Welp, the charm of Dawson and his BFF Joey worked their magic and I am hooked!
One of the things I really love about the show is Joey Potter's sense of style. Joey is played by Katie Holmes and is Dawson's girl best friend who is obviously in love with him but *of course* Dawson is totally oblivious. It's just so perfectly '90s, the overalls, high-waisted jean shorts, large flannel shirts left open with a crop top underneath, I just love it.
So, quote-un-quote, since the '90s are coming back in style, I thought I would share some of my favorite looks Joey wears on the show.

Any other Dawson's Creek fans out there? Do you feel the same way? Haha!

-Miss Mel and Miss Heather

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Glass coloring!

I recently got a ton of different shapes and sizes of vases from a friend and have been brainstorming about projects for them! I saw this idea on Pinterest about coloring them and couldn't resist trying it out!

Glass vases or jars
Food coloring
Modge Podge
Wax paper

1. You'll want to mix a few Tablespoons of water with the food coloring, whatever color you want.

2. Next put a few Tablespoons of Modge Podge in a new bowl and mix the color from step one.

3. Poor that mixture into your vase or jar. Make sure it covers every edge. Poor the excess back into the bowl.

4. Place your jar or vase top-side down to dry for about thirty minutes.

5. Next you want to place the vase top down on wax paper on a cookie sheet in the oven on a medium heat. Do that for about 10-15 minutes.

6. Take the vase out then flip it and put it back in the oven for another 20-30 minutes.

7. Now your jar or vase I'd ready to be used!

Whether it's for flowers, tea candle lights or decorative purposes this project makes a great home decor DIY! 

-Miss Mel and Miss Heather

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Glimpse of Our Weekend

Miss Mel and Miss Heather on the boat!

 We wanted to share a few pictures from our super fun weekend! Miss Heather and I hung out with friends on Friday night, woke up at the crack of dawn on Saturday to head down to the lake for a full day of boating, tubing and lounging about. Then on Sunday Miss Mel and Tom attended a friend's wedding and Miss Heather headed back to Springfield on Monday (nooo!).
All in all, it was an amazing three-day weekend!

Miss Mel and Miss Heather tubing! We are professionals....
And....we're down.
Miss Mel and Miss Heather.
Monsieur Tom!
Miss Mel and Miss Heather.
Sass met Ralph! Baww!
Miss Mel and Tom at a friend's wedding.

-Miss Mel and Miss Heather

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

What are your plans for this extended weekend? 
Miss Heather and I and bunch of our friends are headed down the lake for a day. I can't wait!

*the look I hope to achieve on the my dreams.*

This looks so cute! A DIY tutorial on how to make your own ribbon frame.

I want this transparent kayak. How cool/terrifying would that be?!

This basically sums up how Miss Mel and Miss Heather pack!

I'm wearing this dress to a wedding this weekend. I love it!

How to make a yummy Memorial Day treat.

Do you read Nylon? It's my favorite magazine and I can't believe I haven't talked about it before! They talk about funky clothes, new bands and people who have killer style instead of who's marrying who and who just got divorced. You should pick one up or check out their website

Have fun this weekend!

-Miss Mel and Miss Heather

p.s. don't forget to check out our summer beauty post for tips to use this weekend!

Friday, May 25, 2012


Yesterday Miss Mel and I thought it would be fun to do a Pilates class. Well the class was really fun but at the same time it totally kicked our butts! We think our instructor liked hearing us in pain. She smiled when she saw us grimace!

Here was us before the class!

Miss Mel is clearly super jazzed about the class!
Honestly if you would like a full body workout, we totally recommend Pilates! Really the class was a ton of fun but we know we'll be sore for the next few days. One of those you didn't know these muscles existed until they were aching pain. Secretly I totally love these sorts of exercises but at the same time I'm always cursing myself for this self-torture. What are some of your favorite types of workouts?

-Miss Mel and Miss Heather

Thursday, May 24, 2012

I Shot a Gun!

So I went to the shooting range yesterday and got to shoot my very first gun! I was so excited I could barely contain myself. Yes I realize this is not something every little girl dreams about but seriously it was the best!
Miss Heather and her target!
Miss Heather and Joe!

Tom, Miss Mel's boyfriend, had gotten a new gun for his birthday so we went to the shooting range with our friend, Joe, to try it out. I was basically ecstatic when I saw that I had hit the bull's eye!
Miss Heather and Tom's new gun!
Tom, Miss Heather and Joe!
All in all it was a great day! Hope you guys have a swell day!

-Miss Mel and Miss Heather

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

DIY: Stuffed Bunny!

So as most of you know Miss Mel and I own a bunny, Sass. Well since I primarily live in Springfield and Miss Mel lives in St. Louis we have to split up our time with Sass. Basically I get her most of the time so I thought I would make a stuffed Sass for Miss Mel to have when she can't have the real bunny! I will say it's been awhile since I've used my sewing machine for things other than a quick clothing repair so don't judge my rudimentary sewing skills! I plan on many more projects to come this summer!
This was my finished project but I'll walk you through the steps on how I made her!

Fabric (I used cotton)
Sewing needles and thread + sewing machine
Fabric marker or pencil
2 Buttons

1. Fold any fabric you will be using on body parts in half. This way you only have to draw the outline once, then when you cut you'll have the front and back with no fear of having different sizes. I used the black spotted fabric for the head, arms, legs, body and the back of the ears and the pink fabric for just front of the ears. I drew a small outline on paper of the things I needed to draw on fabric for a checklist.

2. Once all fabric is cut out you will need to do the face before you do any major sewing. I drew a little triangle in the middle of the face then covered it up with pink sewing thread and a needle. I took black thread and sewed the smile on in a centimeter by centimeter fashion. Next I put two dots where I thought the eyes should go and sewed them on in a criss cross manner.

3. You will need to pin all the fabric so that it once your done sewing along the borders the bunny will be inside out (Basically pin the front sides to each other). Make sure to sew the ears, legs and arms then stuff them before you work on the head and torso. When pinning the head and torso together for sewing you will need to pin the ears, legs and arms pointing inward (in their respectful spots).

4. Make sure not to sew every border because you will need to turn the bunny inside out and then stuff her. When the bunny has been sufficiently been stuffed you will need to hand sew that hole shut with the raw edges fold inside. Be sure to use thread the same color as the fabric because it may be seen.
5.One last finishing touch was cutting a piece of ribbon and tying it in a bow. I sewed it on at the base of one of the ears and was done!

Doesn't it look just like the wee Sass? This can easily be adapted for another type of animal such as shortening the ears and making it a bear or adding a tail and making it a tiger. This would make a great gift for a son or daughter or niece or nephew! Have fun sewing!

-Miss Mel and Miss Heather

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Summer Beauty

I think it's safe to say that now it is officially summertime!

With it being 90 degrees + all the time in Missouri, my summer beauty regiment is a pretty drastic change from what I normally do during the other three seasons. 
Below I am listing some of my favorite sweat-proof and tan rocking beauty products that hopefully you can try out and enjoy as well!

I use this every time I get out the shower, especially after being in the sun all day. It makes your skin feel like a dream and makes it glisten without being too greasy.

I put this in my hair all year round but in the summer when it's scorching outside and you don't want to use a blow-dryer on your hair, all you have to do is spray this into your hair, brush it out and you are good to go! My hair always dries perfectly, smells great and is never frizzy with this spray. Perfect for battling the humidity!

I recently started using this foundation as a change up from my Bare Minerals. My only reasoning is because sometimes my Bare Minerals make-up feels so heavy in the summertime and I literally feel like it's melting off my face. Therefore, I tried out CoverGirl's AquaSmooth Foundation which hydrates your face while wearing it and even goes on feeling "cold".

This lip balm is a serious miracle worker. I think a lot of people forget their lips can get just as sunburned as the rest of their bodies and thus, forget how important SPF lip balm can be. Whenever I use mine, I instantly feel like it's summertime. 

Yes, I know I'm not a baby but baby sunscreen is always the best! It's 100% natural, fragrance free, hypoallergenic, oil-free and water-resistant. I even recommend wearing under make-up to prevent your make-up from sweating off on super hot days. 

Now, I'm sure there will be one point during these summer months where you will get a sunburn and this stuff will be your best friend. It has coca and shea butter and will heal your poor, poor skin. It's also 100% all-natural and smells great!

What are some of your favorite summer beauty products? We'd love to know and try them out for ourselves!

-Miss Mel and Miss Heather

Monday, May 21, 2012

A Glimpse of Our Weekend

A few photos from my birthday last weekend, the Brad Paisley concert, dinner and mini golfing!

-Miss Mel and Miss Heather

p.s. I made this collage using Picasa a free photo editing program through Google! It's seriously so easy to use!
You can download it here.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Yay! Weekend!

We hope you have a great weekend!
What are you up to?
Miss Heather is in town and we have been crafting,hanging out, attending concerts and doing other random shenanigans! So far it's been a great weekend it's only Saturday!

Picture quote of the week

How to Make a Tie a Bow Tie. 
*Thanks to Tom for sharing!*

Pretty new hairstyle that I tried out last night! 
*Thanks Miss Heather for doing it!*

one of the "Hey Girl," meme's from f*

 "What to Expect When You're Expecting" comes out this weekend! Are you going to see it?

I dragged Miss Heather to see Brad Paisley last night and she was a great sport! She can be a pseudo-country fan when I basically force her to be. 
Here's a little Brad Paisley to kick start your weekend. 

My little brother is graduating high school on Saturday and I just can't believe it! Little Markie-Poo is all grown up!

-Miss Mel and Miss Heather

Friday, May 18, 2012

Style Icon: Selena Gomez

Yep, that's right I've chosen Selena Gomez as one of my style icons. I know she's a little younger than Miss Heather and I but we both love her style. 
Selena also knows how to look killer on any red carpet.
Seriously, it's kind of unbelievable.

Below are some of my favorite looks of Selena's. 

The hair, the makeup, love it!

At the MTV Video Music Awards in 2011
*I die for this dress. She definitely took some risks wearing it but I think she pulled it off flawlessly!*

It's a white dress! What can I say?

In a Dolce & Gabbana Dress at the Billboard Music Awards in 2011

Posing for her music video "Love You Like a Love Song"

At the Vanity Fair Oscar Party in 2012

In a Dolce & Gabanna dress at the Kids Choice Awards in 2012
*I seriously am OBSESSED with this! I would wear this in a heartbeat*

Plus, her and Justin Bieber are awfully cute together, don't you agree?
Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber at the Vanity Fair Oscar Party in 2011

-Miss Mel and Miss Heather

Thursday, May 17, 2012

DIY: Cloth Hem

Do you guys ever have that pair of jeans that fits great on the top but the bottom is either the wrong cut or too short? Well I have and I decided now would be the perfect time to turn my pants into shorts! I mean all I want is the top half so why can't I just use what I want? Instead of just cutting my jeans and having them fray to pieces I decided to hem them with some leftover cloth I had. Also I like the idea of jazzing up my plain jeans with a little color! Here's what I did!

Supplies I used:
Pair of jeans
Needle and thread (sewing machine)
Cloth for the hem (preferably cotton)

1. I put my jeans on to help me decide where exactly I wanted them to end. When I decided what a good length was I took my marker and dotted the cut-off point so I would know where to cut them. 
2. I pinned the legs together so that when I cut the legs they would be even. Uneven leg lengths is not a trend I sport or support.

3. Next I cut two strips of cotton fabric. Make sure the strips are long enough to wrap around the rim of your legs and then a little overlap space.

4. On one side of the strip of fabric I folded it over and sewed the length of it. I wanted a more finished feel to the fabric instead of loose unraveling fabric.

5. I pinned the sewn side of fabric around the rim of each pant leg on the outside. I pinned it about an inch from the bottom and tucked the rest on the inside making sure to pin the inside fabric as well to make it easier when sewing.

6. I sewed the fabric onto the jeans along the same line I made in step 4. Just for a more stylish look and a little more security I went down between a quarter and half an inch from the first line and sewed around the rim of the legs again.
Then you're done and you can wear your new shorts!

These have turned into some of my favorite shorts and it took me less then two hours to make them! Instead of throwing away your clothes you should always see if altering it some way may make it wearable again!

-Miss Mel and Miss Heather