
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Yikes! A Packing Dilema!

Every time I try to go on a trip whether it be a weekend, a week or a month, I always, always, always over-pack. Seriously. I don't know what my problem is! I guess I just feel like I need to have all my possessions with me at all times...which is crazy.  

 As well as over-packing, the night before I go on any trip I always have a packing dilemma and a packing dream. Once I dreamed that all I packed was shorts or I forgot to pack any shoes, you get the idea. Obviously, packing and I do not get along. This must change! I found these tips that I'm going to try out the next time I go somewhere and I thought I would share with all of our lovely readers!

This chart is amazing! It looks so simple to follow!

Following a packing list

Following an outfit guideline

Hopefully, by following these guidelines I will not have a packing dilemma next time!
Hah, easier said than done...
-Miss Mel and Miss Heather


  1. Ok, so that first photo is amazing, such a sweet idea.

  2. But seriously with the amount Miss Mel overpacks she could accomplish her very own luggage Eiffel Tower!

  3. Hah! That is so true! If only I had as nice of luggage!


We would love to read your comments!
-Miss Mel and Miss Heather