
Thursday, July 5, 2012

DIY: Cloth Headbands

With the weather getting ridiculously hot I felt the need to make my own headbands! No matter what length your hair is a headband makes everything better and it totally adds flair to your outfit. Also this took like five minutes so why wouldn't you make one? Or one for every day??

Supplies I used:
Cotton fabric
Thread and needle or sewing machine

1. Measure your head to see how long the headband should be, then add about five to seven inches to that. Decide how wide it should be, then double that. (you add to the length because you'll be tying it and you double the width because you'll fold it over when you sew)

2. Cut out your fabric then fold it hot dog style with the side you want me on the outside in the middle and pin.

3. Sew the length of the headband then when done turn it inside out. Then tie it on your head and your done!

Here's the finished project! I styled it by braiding my bangs to my head and tucked the end under the headband.

The best part of these headbands is that the fabrics I used were all just scraps from other projects so this project was basically free! Have a lovely day!

-Miss Mel and Miss Heather

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-Miss Mel and Miss Heather