
Thursday, December 20, 2012

DIY: Reinbeer

I wanted to share another easy and hilarious DIY project with you that's perfect for the holidays...

DIY some of your favorite beer and bring it along to a holiday party, white elephant gift exchange or display them around the fire. Any way you have it, these "reinbeers" are sure to add some festive spirit and a smile on your face.

Beer or RootBeer of your choice
Brown Pipe Cleaners
Googly Eyes
Red Pom Poms
Hot Glue Gun

Step One
Take a brown pipe cleaner, fold it in half and cut off about 1/2" off the top. 
Take your 1/2" and twist it around the pipe cleaner towards the top to create the "antler" on one side.

 On the other side, slide the bell through and then create the "antler" on the other side using the other 1/2". 

Step Two
After you've created your antlers, wrap the pipe cleaner directly under the bottle cap and twist it twice towards the back to ensure it stays on.

Step Three
Grab two medium size googly eyes and glue them onto your beer label using the hot glue gun.

Step Four
Take your red pom pom for his nose and attach it directly under the eyes using the hot glue gun.

And you're done! 

I seriously love this craft. I think it makes for a hysterical gift!

Have fun crafting!

-Miss Mel and Miss Heather

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-Miss Mel and Miss Heather